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Data Grid - Components

The grid is highly customizable. Override components using the components prop.

Overriding components

As part of the customization API, the grid allows you to override internal components with the components prop. The prop accepts an object of type GridSlotsComponent.

If you wish to pass additional props in a component slot, you can do it using the componentsProps prop. This prop is of type GridSlotsComponentsProps.

As an example, you could override the column menu and pass additional props as below.

    ColumnMenu: MyCustomColumnMenu,
    columnMenu: { background: 'red', counter: rows.length },

Interacting with the grid

The grid exposes two hooks to help you to access the grid data while overriding component slots.

They can be used as below:

  • useGridApiContext: returns the apiRef object (more details in the API object page).
  • useGridSelector: returns the result of a selector on the current state (more details in the State page).
function CustomPagination() {
  const apiRef = useGridApiContext();
  const page = useGridSelector(apiRef, gridPageSelector);
  const pageCount = useGridSelector(apiRef, gridPageCountSelector);

  return (
      page={page + 1}
      onChange={(event, value) => apiRef.current.setPage(value - 1)}


The full list of overridable components can be found on the GridSlotsComponent API page.

Column menu

As mentioned above, the column menu is a component slot that can be recomposed easily and customized on each column as in the demo below.

Below is the default GridColumnMenu.

export const GridColumnMenu = React.forwardRef<
>(function GridColumnMenu(props: GridColumnMenuProps, ref) {
  const { hideMenu, currentColumn } = props;

  return (
    <GridColumnMenuContainer ref={ref} {...props}>
      <SortGridMenuItems onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn!} />
      <GridFilterMenuItem onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn!} />
      <HideGridColMenuItem onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn!} />
      <GridColumnsMenuItem onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn!} />


To enable the toolbar you need to add the Toolbar: GridToolbar to the grid components prop. This demo showcases how this can be achieved.

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Alternatively, you can compose your own toolbar.

function CustomToolbar() {
  return (
      <GridToolbarColumnsButton />
      <GridToolbarFilterButton />
      <GridToolbarDensitySelector />
      <GridToolbarExport />
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The grid exposes props to hide specific elements of the UI:

  • hideFooter: If true, the footer component is hidden.
  • hideFooterRowCount: If true, the row count in the footer is hidden.
  • hideFooterSelectedRowCount: If true, the selected row count in the footer is hidden.
  • hideFooterPagination: If true, the pagination component in the footer is hidden.


By default, pagination uses the TablePagination component that is optimized for handling tabular data. This demo replaces it with the Pagination component.

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Loading overlay

By default, the loading overlay displays a circular progress. This demo replaces it with a linear progress.

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No rows overlay

In the following demo, an illustration is added on top of the default "No Rows" message.

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The componentsProps.row prop can be used to pass additional props to the row component. One common use case might be to listen for events not exposed by default. The demo below shows a context menu when a row is right-clicked.


The following demo uses the componentsProps.cell prop to listen for specific events emitted by the cells. Try it by hovering a cell with the mouse and it should display the number of characters each cell has.


As any component slot, every icon can be customized. However, it is not yet possible to use the componentsProps with icons.

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