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Migration from v5 to v6

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Data Grid from v5 to v6.

Start using the alpha release

In package.json, change the version of the data grid package to next.

-"@mui/x-data-grid": "latest",
+"@mui/x-data-grid": "next",

Using next ensures that it will always use the latest v6 alpha release, but you can also use a fixed version, like 6.0.0-alpha.0.

Breaking changes

Since v6 is a major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improve stability and make room for new features. Below are described the steps you need to make to migrate from v5 to v6.

Renamed props

  • To avoid confusion with the props that will be added for the cell selection feature, some props related to row selection were renamed to have "row" in their name. The renamed props are the following:

    Old name New name
    selectionModel rowSelectionModel
    onSelectionModelChange onRowSelectionModelChange
    disableSelectionOnClick disableRowSelectionOnClick
    disableMultipleSelection disableMultipleRowSelection

Removed props

  • The disableIgnoreModificationsIfProcessingProps prop was removed and its behavior when true was incorporated as the default behavior. The old behavior can be restored by using apiRef.current.stopRowEditMode({ ignoreModifications: true }) or apiRef.current.stopCellEditMode({ ignoreModifications: true }).
  • The onColumnVisibilityChange prop was removed. Use onColumnVisibilityModelChange instead.

State access

  • The gridSelectionStateSelector selector was renamed to gridRowSelectionStateSelector.
  • The gridColumnsSelector selector was removed. Use more specific grid columns selectors instead.
  • The allGridColumnsFieldsSelector selector was removed. Use gridColumnFieldsSelector instead.
  • The allGridColumnsSelector selector was removed. Use gridColumnDefinitionsSelector instead.
  • The visibleGridColumnsSelector selector was removed. Use gridVisibleColumnDefinitionsSelector instead.
  • The filterableGridColumnsSelector selector was removed. Use gridFilterableColumnDefinitionsSelector instead.
  • The filterableGridColumnsIdsSelector selector was removed. Use gridFilterableColumnLookupSelector instead.
  • The visibleGridColumnsLengthSelector selector was removed. Use gridVisibleColumnDefinitionsSelector instead.
  • The gridColumnsMetaSelector selector was removed. Use gridColumnsTotalWidthSelector or gridColumnPositionsSelector instead.
  • The getGridNumericColumnOperators selector was removed. Use getGridNumericOperators instead.
  • The gridVisibleRowsSelector selector was removed. Use gridVisibleSortedRowIdsSelector instead.
  • The gridRowGroupingStateSelector selector was removed.
  • The gridFilterStateSelector selector was removed.
  • The gridRowsStateSelector selector was removed.
  • The gridSortingStateSelector selector was removed.


  • The selectionChange event was renamed to rowSelectionChange.
  • The rowsScroll event was renamed to scrollPositionChange.
  • The columnVisibilityChange event was removed. Use columnVisibilityModelChange instead.
  • The cellNavigationKeyDown event was removed. Use cellKeyDown and check the key provided in the event argument.
  • The columnHeaderNavigationKeyDown event was removed. Use columnHeaderKeyDown and check the key provided in the event argument.
  • The GridCallbackDetails['api'] was removed from event details. Use the apiRef returned by useGridApiContext or useGridApiRef instead.


  • The GridColDef['hide'] property was removed. Use GridColDef['columnVisibility'] instead.


  • The GridRowParams['getValue'] property was removed. Use params.row instead.
  • The GridCellParams['getValue'] property was removed. Use params.row instead.
  • The GridActionsCellProps['api'] property was removed. Use useGridApiContext hook instead to get apiRef.
  • The GridActionsCellProps['getValue'] property was removed. Use params.row instead.
  • The GridFooterCellProps['getValue'] property was removed. Use params.row instead.

apiRef methods

  • The apiRef.current.updateColumn method was removed. Use apiRef.current.updateColumns instead.

  • The apiRef.current.getColumnsMeta method was removed. Use gridColumnsTotalWidthSelector or gridColumnPositionsSelector selectors instead.

  • The apiRef.current.getRowIndex method was removed. Use apiRef.current.getRowIndexRelativeToVisibleRows instead.

  • Some internal undocumented apiRef methods and properties were removed.

    If you don't use undocumented properties - you can skip the list below. Otherwise, please check the list and open an issue if there's something missing in the apiRef.

    List of removed undocumented methods and properties


  • The GridFilterItem['columnField'] was renamed to GridFilterItem['field']
  • The GridFilterItem['operatorValue'] was renamed to GridFilterItem['operator']
  • The GridFilterItem['operator'] is now required.

Other exports

  • The useGridApi hook was removed. Use apiRef.current instead.
  • The useGridState hook was removed. Use apiRef.current.state, apiRef.current.setState and apiRef.current.forceUpdate instead.
  • The getGridColDef utility function was removed.
  • The GridValueGetterFullParams type was removed.
  • The GridSortModelParams interface was removed.
  • The GridApiRef type was removed. Use React.MutableRefObject<GridApi> instead.
  • The GridCellValue type was removed. Use any or the V generic passed to most interfaces.
  • The GridRowData type was removed. Use GridRowModel instead.